Our Team
The Lesryk team is composed of highly skilled Environmental Scientists who have in-depth experience across a wide variety of projects and ecosystems. This allows us to offer a broad range of environmental services that include:
Biodiversity Assessment Reports in line with the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, Commonwealth Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and NSW Fisheries Management Act 1994
Flora and fauna assessments (terrestrial and aquatic)
Assessments of significance in compliance with standard State and Federal environmental legislations
Review of Environmental Factors
Consideration of State Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity and Conservation) 2021
Targeted threatened species studies
Monitoring studies
Pre-clearing and clearing supervision studies
Landscape and rehabilitation plans
Bushland restoration and vegetation enhancement procedures
Peer review documents.
Paul Burcher
Bachelor of Applied Science, MRZS, MECA
Curriculum vitaeHarry Engel
Bachelor of Marine Science, Diploma of Leadership
Curriculum vitaeSarah Maher
Bachelor of Science - Majoring in Ecology and Environmental Science
Curriculum vitaeLara Hase
Bachelor of Science - Majoring in Environmental and Heritage Management (Hons) (Deans Scholar)
Curriculum vitaeLauren Crofts
Bachelor of Science, Masters of Environmental Science and Management
Curriculum vitaeLesryk also works closely with a number of well respected European and Indigenous Archeologists.
Our team conducts work in an efficient, ethical and highly professional manner, providing a result that is easy to interpret while meeting all of a determining authorities legal requirements. Lesryk abides by the philosophy of Ecological Sustainable Development. Lesryk has been commended on numerous occasions, by a range of determining authorities, for its report presentation and content.